Northern Ireland

Once extinct in Ireland, White-tailed Eagles breed in north for first time in 150 years

With a 2.4 metre wingspan earning them the nickname of the ‘flying barn door’, the species was reintroduced in Ireland from 2007 with the hope of establishing a new population.

A pair of White-tailed Eagles have sucessfully fledged a chick in Co Fermanagh. PICTURE: MARK RUDDOCK
A pair of White-tailed Eagles have sucessfully fledged a chick in Co Fermanagh. PICTURE: MARK RUDDOCK

A bird species that went extinct from Ireland in the 19th century has produced the first breeding pair seen in the north for 150 years.

White-tailed Eagles are native to Ireland, but disappeared from the island in the late 19th century.

Efforts to reintroduce the species started between 2007-11, with the Golden Eagle Trust (GET) and National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) introducing 100 eagle chicks from Norway in Killarney National Park.

Another phase in 2020 saw more young individuals released across Ireland, fitted with wing-tags and even satellite tags to monitor their location.

In Northern Ireland, a four-year-old breeding pair in Co Fermanagh had been released in Co Tipperary in 2020.

RSPB NI called it “an incredible achievement” for the first-time breeders, who have successfully fledged one chick, and said the wetlands, woodlands and farmlands of Co Fermanagh had been an ideal habitat for the species.

Also known as the sea eagle, the birds are the UK’s largest bird of prey and almost a metre tall, with a huge wingspan of up to 2.4 metres and a distinctive white tail.

Their wings are so broad they have even earned the nickname of a “flying barn door.”

A programme to reintroduce White-tailed Eagles in Ireland from Norway started in 2007. PICTURE: PAUL SAWR/RSPB IMAGES
A programme to reintroduce White-tailed Eagles in Ireland from Norway started in 2007. PICTURE: PAUL SAWR/RSPB IMAGES

Younger White-tailed Eagles will often roam freely in their early years before finding a breeding territory and a mate.

Usually found near open water, coastal or fresh, they can live for 20 years and usually start to breed at five-years-old.

Large, mature trees in undisturbed areas are vital habitats in which to build their nests, forage and catch fish.

Dr Eimear Rooney from NIRSG commented: “The confirmation of this eagle species breeding in Northern Ireland corrects a multi-generational absence, symbolising the restoration of a once extinct species and highlighting the importance of wetlands, woodlands and farmland habitats on which many of our raptors depend”.

“From reviewing satellite data provided by NPWS we had an idea that the birds were nesting, but with young eagles nothing is guaranteed. I can’t describe the adrenalin rush the moment I saw the chick earlier this year and confirmed that the birds were not only nesting but had successfully reared a chick” she said.

Dean Jones, Investigations Officer from RSPB NI called the news “a true testament to the power of conservation.”

He said the poisoning of two of the birds in Glenwherry last May had been “devastating,” but said the protection of “a caring local farmer” for the new breeding pair showed how humans and birds of prey can exist in harmony.

White-Tailed Eagles had died out in Ireland in the 19th century. PICTURE: MARC RUDDOCK
White-Tailed Eagles had died out in Ireland in the 19th century. PICTURE: MARC RUDDOCK