
Covid-19 myths: Eating alkaline foods won't help as coronavirus has no pH value

Eating avocado will have no effect against the coronavirus
Eating avocado will have no effect against the coronavirus

Debunking Covid-19 hoaxes circulating online

This week: Eating alkaline foods to beat the illness

ONE post suggests that to beat coronavirus, we need to eat more alkaline foods that are above the pH level of the virus.

It lists foods such as avocado (pH 15.6), garlic (pH 13.2) and dandelion (pH 22.7) as potentially being useful in the fight against the virus.

Not only is this not true, it’s not even possible.

"Viruses don’t even have a pH because they are not technically living things," explains immunologist Dr Jenna Macciochi.

"They are just bits of genetic material wrapped in protein coats that invade our cells and use these in order to replicate themselves.

"Food can’t change your internal pH level, and even if it could, it wouldn’t help fight Covid-19 because, as mentioned, the coronavirus doesn’t have a pH value."

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