
Lush has invented solid mouthwash and we're feeling both intrigued and uncomfortable about it

Lush has invented solid mouthwash and we're feeling both intrigued and uncomfortable about it
Lush has invented solid mouthwash and we're feeling both intrigued and uncomfortable about it

How often do you find yourself out and about and you suddenly feel like you need to freshen up? And it’s like, a swig of mouthwash would be the perfect cure, ya know?

Mean Girls GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

We’ve got your back. Or, rather, Lush does. Forget their magical, rainbow-water-inducing bath bombs. Their latest invention actually has a genuine use – they’ve launched the world’s first solid mouthwash.

That’s right, we think mouthwash is worthy of a story because, you know what, part of adulting is looking after our dental hygiene properly. And if we can do it with tiny, compact tabs that can be handily stowed away in our handbags on the way to work, then damn right are we gonna get excited about it.

So, how exactly do these differ from your standard mouthwash sitting on your bathroom shelf, unloved and unwanted? Well, these tabs have a deodorising, fizzing sodium bicarbonate base…yep, just like mini bath bombs. They should be used both in the morning and in the evening to refresh the mouth.


After brushing your teeth, pop one tab into your mouth. Then, take a sip of water to start the fizz, before nibbling the tab, giving it a good old swish and spitting out – you know the drill.

And, there’s not just one flavour to try. Oh no.

There’s our fave-sounding one – the gargle blaster. Yep, they can – and they will – call it that. It has the taste found in tonic water and Moroccan aniseed oil. So, it’s nice and sweet.


Or, what about ugai? Inspired by the Japanese art of gargling, these are made with green tea powder. They also have tea tree oil and salt in to prevent dryness.


For the less adventurous among you, there’s also mint. Made with a blend of ice cool peppermint oil and powder along with added freshness from menthol crystals. All of the flavours are vegan, FYI.


We thought we would share our range of initial feelings about the idea of a solid mouthwash, through the trusty medium of GIFs.

Tv GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Real housewives of Atlanta GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Gross GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Curious GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

I’m A Celebrity GIF – Find & Share on GIPHY

Yeah, we’ve really been through the full gamut of emotions when it comes to the thought of trying this out. Guess we’ll have to wait until we’ve had our first gargle before we give our final verdict…

But, if you can’t contain your excitement and want to try the solid mouthwashes out for yourselves, they will be available at the Lush store on Oxford Street, London, and online.