
This overturned cargo of eels is the most disgusting thing you’ll see all day

The cargo had been heading for human consumption in Korea.
The cargo had been heading for human consumption in Korea.

There is a new nightmare to be had, and it comes in the form of eels.

When a truck full of hagfish (otherwise delightfully known as “slime eels”) overturned on a road in Oregon, it wasn’t long before everyone was questioning why such a thing exists.

(Oregon State Police/AP)

Oregan Police said the truck had been travelling to Korea to deliver the fish for human consumption.

The tasty cargo sadly never made it to its rightful destination, however, and instead lay festering in the July sun.

The 7,500lb (3,402kg) delivery also caused devastating damage to a car travelling on the same road.


And if you’re wondering what all that gunky stuff is: hagfish secrete a type of “slime” when they become stressed.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you this was gross.