
Some guy sang Smash Mouth’s All Star to the tune of Hallelujah because of course he did

Just when you thought the All Star meme had run its course…
Just when you thought the All Star meme had run its course…

Surely two of the songs that appear most frequently on YouTube are Hallelujah and All Star.

While Leonard Cohen’s classic is the subject of scores of earnest acoustic covers, Smash Mouth’s All Star is a meme all of its own.

So of course someone was going to put the two behemoths from the Shrek soundtrack together at some point – and that someone is Josh Jackson.

Yes, Jackson had the genius idea of singing the words of the first verse of All Star to the tune of Hallelujah – and it works surprisingly well.

It went down a storm on YouTube, with one commenter describing the mash-up as “iconic” and another saying: “I’d pay for a full version of this.”

Amen to that.