Northern Ireland

Rosslea: Motorcyclist dies following Co Fermanagh crash

Police are appealing for information

The PSNI has said it is investigating two deaths in Newry
The PSNI are appealing for information after a man died following a motorcycle crash in Rosslea (Niall Carson/PA)

A man has died following a road crash in Rosslea, Co Fermanagh.

Police said is motorcycle was involved in a crash on the Dernawilt Road at around 10:30pm on Sunday June 16.

PSNI Inspector Cherith Adair from the Police Service’s Collision Investigation Unit said: “A report was received shortly before 10.30pm yesterday, Sunday 16th June, of a collision involving a motorcycle in the Dernawilt Road area.

”Officers attended the scene along with our colleagues from the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service.

”Sadly, the male motorcyclist passed away at the scene.

”An investigation to establish the circumstances is now underway, and the Collision Investigation Unit is appealing to anyone who may have any information which may assist, or who may have been travelling in the area at the time and captured any dash-cam or mobile phone footage, to get in touch.

““The number to call is 101, quoting reference number 1697 of 16/06/24.”