Northern Ireland

Police hunt for man in west Belfast bus lane camera car attack

Footage shows a man stamping on the roof of the car and trying to remove its mounted camera
Footage shows a man stamping on the roof of the car and trying to remove its mounted camera

A MAN and woman were assaulted during an attack on a bus lane camera car in west Belfast.

Footage of the Falls Road incident shows a man stamping on the roof of the car, breaking the windscreen and trying to remove its mounted camera.

The woman who was inside the car at the time was reportedly grabbed by the throat when she got out of the vehicle.

The suspect was then filmed fighting along the footpath with a man who pinned him to the ground.

The attack happened at about 4pm on Tuesday in front of numerous bystanders and footage has been shared widely online.

Police are investigating and have appealed for anyone with information to contact them.

"It was reported that damage was caused to the bonnet, roof and windscreen of a car, and a man and woman assaulted, by an unknown male," a PSNI spokesman said.

"Efforts are ongoing to identify the male involved."

Belfast bus lane traffic restrictions were introduced in June 2015 and are enforced by Stormont's Department for Infrastructure (DfI).

A DfI spokeswoman said: "The department is aware of an incident today involving an attack on a bus lane camera vehicle. The incident is being investigated by the PSNI."

It is the second attack on a bus lane camera in the same street within a month.

On March 20, a man wearing a balaclava used a hammer to smash the windows of a bus lane camera vehicle parked on Falls Road.

The latest attack happened during a 'risk assessment' being carried out following the previous incident, according to Belfast Live.

Sinn Féin's Fra McCann, MLA for West Belfast, condemned the latest incident.

"This is the second such attack in weeks where a person has been attacked whilst carrying out a days work," he said.

"This should be condemned by everyone and the fact that it was carried out in broad daylight again highlights the difficulties faced by this community in the battle against criminal behaviour.

"The people who carry out these attacks do not speak for the west Belfast community and they need to stop immediately."