
‘I’m learning to cook more than four meals’ - 20 questions with theatre director Cathie Boyd

Gail Bell asks experts and people in the public eye what keeps them going. This week: Belfast-born theatre director and producer Cathie Boyd, founder of Cryptic Arts and the Sonica Festival in Glasgow

Belfast-born theatre director and producer Cathie Boyd
"Listen to your mother; she was usually right" - advice for life from Belfast-born theatre director and producer Cathie Boyd (Mirrin Hegharty)
1. Up and at it - what is your morning routine?

Every morning when I waken up, I listen to BBC Radio 4 Today programme and take apple cider vinegar with hot water, followed by lemon with hot water.

2. What might you eat in a typical working day for...

Breakfast? Two-to-three lattes.

Lunch? For lunch, I often eat a ‘Gits’ ready meal, such as aloo chana chaat, bhindi masala or chana masala. Gits is a brilliant Indian brand with no MSG or preservatives.

Evening meal? If I’m not eating out - which is often the case - I might have edamama (green soya beans) or a sambar (South Indian) tomato soup… maybe a dhansak. I’m not a great cook, but I can make a great fish chowder.

3. Is nutrition important to you – do you take health supplements?

Yes, I eat a lot of fruit and veg; I also take soya tablets to help with the menopause.

4. Ever been on a diet – if so, how did it go?

My best diet was a divorce diet - when I lost two stone. Other than that, I don’t know.

5. Weekend treat?

A long boozy Saturday lunch and, if possible, a read of the FT Weekend magazine in bed on a Sunday morning.

6. How do you keep physically and mentally fit?

I cycle to work at the Cryptic office in Glasgow. I love cycling – I have an old three-gear bike with skirt guard and huge basket for my bag so I can cycle upright. When I’m in Glasgow, I swim three mornings a week in the Arlington Baths - one of the oldest baths in the UK. Absolutely glorious. I also ensure I have deep tissue Chinese massages quite regularly.

7. Best tip for everyday fitness?

Make sure to do some exercise before you start work. Between being the artistic director of Cryptic, which hosts artists from around the world on a regular basis, and organising our biennial festival, Sonica, life gets very busy once I get into the office. It’s important to take time out for myself before hitting the ground running.

8. Were you a fan of schools sports/PE or do you have a memory from those days that you would rather forget?

I enjoyed sports at school. I played in the hockey team (centre forward) and I also ran the 100m and 200m sprint. I’m very competitive.

9. Teetotal or tipple?

Definitely tipple - I love full-bodied red wines and I drink every day except Mondays.

10. Stairs or lift?

Stairs always, unless carrying a heavy suitcase or bicycle... or, as is often the case in the run-up to Sonica festival, some heavy audio-visual equipment.

11. What book are you currently reading?

I just finished Gertrude Bell’s Queen of the Desert – what an extraordinary, inspiring lady.

12. Best Netflix/streaming TV?

Ripley on Netflix was amazing. I also adored Money Heist - such beautiful design with a great cast.

13. Any new skills or hobbies?

I’m trying to learn to cook more than four meals – how embarrassing... My long-term hobby is classic cars. I find driving so boring that being in a classic livens up the experience. I adore the smell of the interior of old cars.

I love full-bodied red wines and I drink every day except Mondays

—  Cathie Boyd
14. How do you relax?

In Glasgow, I take a candlelit bath every night which ensures a deep sleep. In France, I relax by gardening - being in the midi Pyrenees, we have fabulous weather. We have built the entire garden from scratch. I so love being surrounded by colourful flowers.

15. What would you tell your younger self?

Listen to your mother; she was usually right. Also, always travel and take every opportunity to discover something new - people and places to be inspired by. Never be afraid of anything. Many of the wonderful acts at this year’s Sonica festival were brought to my attention while travelling.

16. What are your goals for the rest of 2024?

To deliver the best Sonica festival programme ever, showcasing fabulous Scottish artists to the world as part of Cryptic’s 30th anniversary. We’ve hit a record this year, with over 100 free installationsthroughout the whole city, from venues like St Enoch’s shopping centre to the City Chambers.

17. What time do you get to bed and do you think you get enough sleep?

I go to bed around 11.30pm and I sleep for around six to six-and-a-half hours. My watch tells me that I sleep deeply for 35 to 50 minutes, usually.

18. Biggest gripe or regret?

As a young artist, I turned down many exceptional projects - maybe I was foolish, but had I accepted all these amazing invites, I would be in a different world today. When an artist you respect offers you a collaboration or work to direct, do it - don’t say, ‘No’. If you believe in them, it will hopefully will be a great work. I said ‘No’ too quickly to many great gigs.

19. Have your priorities in life or perspectives changed?

Yes. I now see my role focused on passing on knowledge to the next generation and supporting younger people to develop their careers - one of my key motivators 30 years on at Cryptic. I love to connect people and to see great talent grow and fly. Also, today my closest friends are my family. They mean more to me than ever before.

20. Has coronavirus – or any health epiphany or life event - changed your attitude towards your own mortality?

Absolutely not. I think coronavirus has taught me how important it is to live life to the full and to enjoy life. Always be ‘in the moment’, as that is essential to healthy living.

Cathie Boyd will direct the 30th Sonica arts festival in Glasgow which this year runs until September 29,